

26 July 2016
High blood pressure is considered to be the permanent elevation of blood pressure, which is considered a cardiovascular risk factor by increasing the...
18 July 2016
Two years ago, very high and prolonged temperatures were recorded in the summer that were not usual in our environment. Heat, especially when...
11 July 2016
Summer is a time when we change our habits, it is sunny and the needs of the body change. 10 steps towards a 'Blue Summer': Liquids: 2 - 2.5...
17 June 2016
Recently, in April 2016, the NICE agency highlighted in its eyes on evidence programme a study carried out by Dr. Mary Tinneti on the effectiveness...
01 March 2016
A few days ago I gave a session in primary care on aspects to be taken into account in the early identification of fragility in the elderly, so I...
23 December 2015
  We know that we are not flashy or spectacular, but rather sad, brown and a bit rough. Come on, we are not designer boxes! Our mission ends...
22 December 2015
Falls are a major public health problem, given the physical, psychological and economic consequences they entail, being considered as a geriatric...
13 November 2015
In this summer time we have been able to read a report in the BMJ magazine where the main causes of accidental deaths in the United States are...
26 October 2015
On 18/09/2015 our colleagues from Matia Instituto Gerontológico. Elena del Barrio (Researcher) and Mayte Sancho (Scientific Director), presented the...
14 October 2015
In figures, the flu causes around 3,000 deaths and the loss of 60,000,000 working hours annually. It also causes 17.4% of temporary disabilities,...
