

05 July 2013
Scientific Article Nowadays, when there are about 400 models of psychotherapy, it is difficult to find the right one to apply to the field of...
01 July 2013
The Basque Institute of Statistics (Eustat) projects as a probable scenario a population by 2050 of 554,765 people who will have passed the age of 65...
21 June 2013
The Etxean Ondo Project began at the Lamourous Gerontology Centre two years ago, when planning began for a Coexistence Unit to be set up on one of...
14 June 2013
Over the last two weeks, our colleagues have made two posts on our blog in which they have told us about the application of the Person-Centred Care...
07 June 2013
In April 2012, at the Fraisoro Gerontology Centre in Matia Fundazioa (Zizurkil, Gipuzkoa), we began our journey to develop the person-centred care...
31 May 2013
Etxean Ondo Residences and Day Centres is an initiative developed by Matia Fundazioa and Matia Instituto Gerontológico with funding from the Basque...
24 May 2013
Untitled Care, which embraces the principles of the Person-Centred Care model, is based on the deep belief that no person is the same as another,...
17 May 2013
The users and residents of the Elizaran centre in the Old Town are now, more than ever, at home: we have painted our dining room! We thought it was a...
10 May 2013
Today in our blog we leave you with an interview with Blanca Mata, promoter of Easy Reading Euskadi - Irakurketa Erraza. First, we will give you a...
03 May 2013
Today's entry is dedicated to the presentation of the cookbook "The Bermingham recipes", a book that we prepare in our Gerontology Centre in...
