

31 May 2021
I am distracted, I do not remember names, I find it difficult to find words to communicate, or sometimes I have become disoriented... Today I would...
18 May 2021
The power our memories have over our memory is mind-boggling. For people with cognitive impairment, reminiscence therapy is a gift to their memories...
12 May 2021
Today, May 12, is once again International Nursing Day. This is a well-deserved day. Even more so, after this chaotic year full of emergencies and...
Persona mayor pasea acompañado de una cuidadora
12 April 2021
A year ago, we were astonished to see how an unknown virus entered our lives with devastating force and devastated our lifestyle, our health, and in...
15 March 2021
I am Kira Rojas, social worker at Matia Orienta, the information and guidance service of Matia Fundazioa. With these words I would like to join in...
Las palabras sí importan
16 February 2021
The relationship between language and thought, how words construct thought and how our beliefs are consolidated or modified through them, has been...
Fotografía a tres figuras de los reyes magos
05 January 2021
Dearest Majesties: We are writing to you with great enthusiasm after a year that will not be easy to forget; although we are very much looking...
Un hombre y una mujer mayores se miran y sonríen tumbados en la cama
14 December 2020
If we think about our lives as autonomous people, can we imagine a full life without sexuality? Probably not. And what would welfare be without...
Coro de personas con demencia
18 November 2020
Music to feel part of the world again It's been nearly two years since it all started... since the music, the chords and the intonation, will come...
Mujer mayor con un gesto de dolor
16 October 2020
The role of observation in the well-being of people with dementia. The presence of pain in older people with geriatric syndromes is frequent,...
