


Recommendations for emotional care in an isolated situation


From Matia we feel the need to share a series of guidelines for the emotional care of carers and relatives of people who require support and who are living the current situation of confinement both in a centre and in their homes. LIVING AT HOME WITH A PERSON WITH DEMENTIA. WHAT DO I DO IF...THE PERSON HAS AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR Breathe and stay calm Don't take aggression personally, try to find out what's irritating her and act before...

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Matia collaborates in the design of a quality management system in services for dependency care in Uruguay.


We recently returned from an interesting trip that has taken us to the Republic of Uruguay. Throughout the second half of 2018 we had the opportunity to collaborate with the National Care System (SNC) and the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) of that country, developing a project that consisted in the elaboration of an international review on the different models of quality management in dependency care services. The work was carried out...

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Senior citizens' organizations express their revulsion at the violation of the rights of the elderly and call for progress in a model of comprehensive care centered on the person


In view of the recently published news of the mistreatment suffered by two elderly women in a nursing home in Hortaleza, Madrid, the undersigned organizations express our strongest condemnation of such despicable acts. According to UN data, between 4% and 6% of elderly people in the world have suffered some form of abuse and mistreatment. In Spain, according to some studies, the figures are quite similar. Only a minority, less than 10%,...

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Big week at Elizaran center


The programme of activities of the Donostian festivities (Aberri main – Main week) in the church centre.

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Matia premiado por partida doble en el último Congreso de la SEGG


Ohi bezala, Matia Fundazioko zenbait profesionalek Espainiako Geriatria eta Gerontologia Elkartearen Biltzar Nazionalean parte hartu dute. Oraingo honetan, Kanaria Handiko Las Palmas hiri politeko Alfredo Kraus & nbsp; Kongresu Jauregian. "Nola esku hartu zahartzearen erronken aurrean" lelopean, 1.1000 biltzarkide inguru bildu dira, adineko pertsonentzako zerbitzu soziosanitarioek dituzten erronka nagusiei & nbsp; aurre egiteko. Hona hemen...

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"Aurreko bizimoduari jarraipena eman nahi diogu"


Eredu tradizionaletik ihes egiten duten adinekoentzako egoitzak. Miguel Leturia,Matia Fundazioko egoitza-arretarako prozesuko arduraduna & nbsp; k euskal fundazioak kudeatzen dituen zentroen esperientzia azalduko du bihar jornada Meritxelleko ospitalean, pertsona ardatz duen arreta-ereduari helduko dio. Duela zortzi urte, zuen zentroetako arreta-eredua aldatu zenuten. Eta atentzioa eman dit, adibidez, egoiliarrek etxeko tresnak eraman...

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