HomeJavier Alaba

Javier Alaba

Imagen de una mano de una persona mayor asiendo una taza de té
01 December 2022
The current global context, with very high energy prices and forecasts of record low temperatures for the winter, leads us to believe that many...
Hombre mayor revisado por su doctora
21 September 2022
On the occasion of World Alzheimer's Day, we thought it would be interesting to review some of the most relevant aspects of a disease that affects...
Persona mayor en cama atendido por enfermera
04 February 2022
Cancer is mainly a disease of very old people. Almost half of cancer patients are older people, and it is the second leading cause of death after...
Taza en el alfeizar de una ventana
06 September 2021
On this occasion we bring you closer to a common situation in dementias such as the loss of the sensation of being thirsty. We do it with a double...
09 June 2021
Dementia is a major public health challenge in relation to population aging, being one of the main causes of disability and dependence. Worldwide,...
Mujer mayor con un gesto de dolor
16 October 2020
The role of observation in the well-being of people with dementia. The presence of pain in older people with geriatric syndromes is frequent,...
Imagen Publicacion
24 February 2020
Bathing in people with dementia is one of the most uncomfortable causes of care. The expression of this discomfort is reflected in different forms of...
Mujer mayor durmiendo en su cama
14 August 2019
Sleep disorders and dementia People spend a third of their lives sleeping, with sleep having a physical and cognitive repair function. As the years...
Persona llevándose una mano al oído en un gesto de que no oye bien
12 March 2019
March 3 was International Hearing Day, a date used annually by the World Health Organization (WHO) to recall and review various aspects of promoting...
24 October 2018
The occurrence of behavioural disorders is common in people with dementia, increasing as the disease itself progresses. The presence of these...
