ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN SOCIAL HEALTH CENTRES (Social commitment, environmental sustainability and economic improvement)
Being aware of the high consumption of energy and other resources that is produced in hospitals and residential centres, in Matia Fundazioa we have established, in our strategy of responsibility with the environment, a line of work linked to the improvement of environmental behaviour.
To this end, in 2003 we created the Environmental Management Process, which involved the commitment of the entire organisation, from the General Management to all the people who make up Matia, not forgetting the Gureak Group (a cleaning and laundry supplier) and the users and families of our centres and services.
At that time, we set ourselves the following objectives:
To reduce the consumption of energy, water and other raw materials
Raise awareness of all stakeholders in the responsible use of resources
To incorporate this culture into the normal working dynamics of all people.
To respond to these challenges, we have developed different actions in the following areas, with significant results:
In addition, training actions have been added, where every year all the centres work on good practices in the responsible use of resources, both with workers and users.
And of awareness raising through dissemination campaigns and visual aids and elements placed in strategic places in the buildings
Along these lines, Matia Instituto Gerontológico has co-led at national level with the Centre for Research on Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE) a European project aimed at Reducing Energy Consumption and Expenditure in Homes for the Elderly in which
100 residences from 10 EC countries have participated, including two from Matia Fundazioa.
For those of you who are interested in working on energy efficiency in your centres, in this link, www.saveage.eu you can find all the information and results of the project, as well as all the documentation, advice and good practices identified in the study.
From Matia Fundazioa we consider energy efficiency as a commitment in the development of our activity. By optimising resources, we contribute to Advance for a Greater Welfare.
That is why on this occasion we are asking you the following questions:
What other improvement actions do you carry out in your centres? Which are the most efficient? What new steps should be taken in this area?
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