What to do in case of dizziness or fainting
This is a situation in which the person suffering from it becomes pale, begins to sweat cold and may even fade or reduce his or her level of consciousness.
The causes are multiple and it is not always a symptom of illness: getting up abruptly, the heat, poorly ventilated places, situations of weakness, due to apprehension (see blood, a needle...), medication (ATH), long periods of time without eating, not being well hydrated, excess alcohol, inhalants (petrol, cleaning products, paints, glues), hearing problems, malnutrition and even a warning of cerebral thrombosis.
What to do in those moments?
- If he has not lost consciousness, place him on the floor with his legs higher than his body, for example on a chair.
- If he has lost consciousness and does not regain it by lifting his legs, place him sideways with his head and face down in a cool and not sunny place.
- Loosen the clothes around his neck and take out his dentures if he has them.
- If he recovers, lift him slowly.
- Do not offer him liquids or food until he is wide awake. If he is diabetic, offer him sugar water.
- If he has difficulty in speaking, pain in his chest or abnormal movements, call 112 immediately.
- If he does not regain consciousness, keep him in the safe situation we discussed earlier, that is, face down with his head tilted and cover him with a blanket.
- If it is not absolutely necessary not to lift him or move him. If not for emergency reasons, move him: for example, in a fire: grab him by his armpits or arms and drag him out on his back.
- In case of recovery, drink fresh water slowly and take something sweet like juice or an infusion with honey.
Tip: if you get dizzy, put your feet on top of your head.
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