


Matia launches the campaign "Sexual rights do not expire".


The launch of this initiative coincides with the celebration of the international day of awareness of abuse and mistreatment in old age. The campaign is part of the Heldu Sexua(ri) project, a project that focuses on the lack of support for a vital aspect, such as sexuality, in care spaces.  #LosDerechosSexualesNoCaducan consists of a series of images with key messages, a podcast, and a text published by an expert on the subject...

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Imagen de la firma del convenio del proyecto SHARE

Matia participates in SHARE, an innovative initiative aimed at the elderly and young people in the city of Fuenlabrada.


Gerardo Amunarriz, CEO of Matia, among the signatories of an agreement with the associated entities for the development of this programme co-financed by the European Urban Initiative EU programme. SHARE has been selected by the European Union from among more than 300 projects from cities across the continent. 29 November 2023 - The Mayor of Fuenlabrada, Javier Ayala, today signed the agreement for the development of the SHARE...

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Foto del equipo de Matia Instituto en el proyecto InCARE

Results of the InCARE pilot project presented


Matia Instituto and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa collaborate in the pilot of InCARE, a project with European funding that addresses improvements in the Sendian programme. InCARE identifies quantitative improvements in overload, wellbeing and quality of life InCARE is nominated for the ESN awards in the category "Research & Evaluation" A meeting of the InCARE pilot carried out in Gipuzkoa took place this Thursday at Matia's...

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Imagen de la publicación: Manual de formación SEE ME

Publication of the training manual "SEE ME", an initiative with the participation of Matia Instituto that seeks to improve the quality of care.


This innovative resource seeks to promote the social inclusion of older people and to promote a new approach to care, focusing on the talents and social needs of older people. The project has been funded by the European Union and developed by six international organisations: the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Belgium, the Active Ageing Foundation and the University of Humanistic Studies (UvH) in the Netherlands, the University of...

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Matia Instituto develops in Gipuzkoa one of the international pilot projects of InCARE


Fourteen municipalities in Gipuzkoa are benefiting from this project which is committed to the reformulation of care at a European level. Case management and community mapping among the key proposals (aspects) of this change in the care model. InCare, Imserso and Matia have signed a report that offers a brief overview of the long-term care panorama in Spain. In Donostia - San Sebastian on 1 June 2023. The InCARE project (Supporting...

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Nerea Melgosa visits Matia Fundazioa, a non-profit organization focused on the provision of social, health and community services.


Nerea Melgosa, Councilor for Equality, Justice and Social Policies, accompanied by Marian Olabarrieta, Director of Social Services, visited Matia Fundazioa, a non-profit organization with more than 130 years of experience in the provision of social, health and community services in Gipuzkoa. Melgosa was able to see first hand the progress of the Lugaritz project, an innovative initiative that integrates housing for life, aimed at people in...

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