

Mujeres mayores celebran el Día de la Mujer
04 March 2022
In my work, when I want to do a discussion group with older people or accompany a group promoting older people, it is common to hear someone ask: but...
Persona mayor en cama atendido por enfermera
04 February 2022
Cancer is mainly a disease of very old people. Almost half of cancer patients are older people, and it is the second leading cause of death after...
Retrato de una persona mayor en su cuarto
09 January 2022
  The steady and unstoppable growth of ageing people imposes new challenges to be faced as a society and as individuals. Aspects such as the...
Mujer mayor con gorro
11 December 2019
Some things are learned little by little, throughout life. Without realising it. What attracts us to people, what we dislike, what we choose or...