

Imagen de una mujer mayor acompañada por un familiar y una cuidadora
04 June 2024
For some time in Matia we have been working in an area that we consider of special interest in the house when it comes to advancing in the...
Mujer mayor se mira al espejo mientras su cuidadora sonríe
17 November 2022
In recent years we are witnessing a change in the model of care that seeks to put people and their relationships at the centre of care activity. But...
Una mujer mayor participa en un taller de cerámica
30 May 2022
Art is an inseparable part of our nature, our emotions, our sensitivity, our creativity, our curiosity. It leads us along unexplored paths in our...
Taza en el alfeizar de una ventana
06 September 2021
On this occasion we bring you closer to a common situation in dementias such as the loss of the sensation of being thirsty. We do it with a double...
01 July 2021
In this new edition of our blog we return to a series of texts through which we have been discovering different experiences that bring art closer to...
Coro de personas con demencia
18 November 2020
Music to feel part of the world again It's been nearly two years since it all started... since the music, the chords and the intonation, will come...
Mujer mayor con un gesto de dolor
16 October 2020
The role of observation in the well-being of people with dementia. The presence of pain in older people with geriatric syndromes is frequent,...
Mano con un pincel pintando un lienzo de unas flores
28 September 2020
In this post we talk about the generation of practices accessible to all mediators that facilitate bringing the cultural and artistic experience...
Mujer mayor plantando unas flores
09 July 2020
It would be the beginning of this century when, from the Memory Unit of Matia, we wondered what we could do to improve intervention with people who...
Mujer mayor poniendo la mesa
29 May 2020
It’s time we talked. No longer can the discussion of the care of people living in long term care facilities be ignored, be sloughed off, for another...
