Mobile applications for people with disabilities
A few Fridays ago we told you about the interesting application developed by the Vodafone APPSccesibles Foundation and its applications aimed at the elderly.
As we already told you, this application summarises interesting mobile applications aimed at both the elderly and the disabled, and it is on applications aimed at this group that we will focus today's post.
We remind you that once you have downloaded the application to your ANDROID mobile phone and entered it, you can select the applications you want to be shown depending on the person's disability (visual, hearing, etc) or if it is an elderly person. All the apps have been validated by the groups to which they are addressed.
Within the applications aimed at people with disabilities we would like to highlight the following:
The objective of this application is to offer people with disabilities and the general public information on the accessibility conditions of more than 1000 tourist establishments of different types, throughout Spain, taking advantage of the benefits and uses offered by new technologies.
The information has been collected on site by PREDIF accessibility technicians in accordance with a specific accessibility verification protocol for tourist establishments.
The aim of this application is to provide a glossary of the 61 most common ICT terms in sign language. The term in LSE is shown as a video of an avatar developed by the Escuela Superior de Informática of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. These videos have been validated by experts from the CNSE Foundation.
It allows users to search and find accessible places, allowing them to find information such as
- if the entrance has no steps
- whether the bathrooms are accessible
- etc.
The information is supported by photos and comments from other users.
Ablah (Demo version)
Ablah is an augmentative communication tool designed to help all people who have some kind of language disorder.
Beyond a simple communication program, ablah allows therapists or parents who live or work with people with language disorders such as autism, down syndrome or aphasia among others to improve the quality of life for everyone and even improve the interaction of these people with their environment.
Hoping to have helped you in identifying applications that facilitate the use of mobile phones by people with disabilities, we encourage you to download the APPSccessible application and assess with your own user experience the validity of these applications.
Source: Vodafone Foundation
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