Pharmacists: transforming global health, also in times of pandemic
The year 2020 will not be easily forgotten. Neither will the Matia Fundazioa Pharmacy Service. No one had taught us how to deal with a pandemic and it arrived in the community with a timid but immediate warning. And we set off...
The year 2020 will not be easily forgotten. Neither will the Matia Fundazioa Pharmacy Service. No one had taught us how to deal with a pandemic and it arrived in the community with a timid but immediate warning. And we set off...
Around February we started to look for PIDs, material that is not usual in our service. At that time, due to the shortage, finding them was like finding a luxury item. This was the first problem we faced. The quantities we were able to obtain were not enough to meet the protection needs of the workers, so some of them had to be made manually using materials that we would never have imagined. Professionals from the house whose work was suspended due to the state of emergency lent a hand in the "manufacture" of this equipment. Having them in the service was wonderful because of the joy they brought even with the physical harshness of this new work they were doing.
When they started to arrive EPIS we started to see forgeries of them. This forced us to quickly learn to recognize counterfeit products and validate those that were suitable. The high requirements of these materials forced us to look for new storage places as the Pharmacy Service was becoming too small for us.We are also grateful for the effort and concern shown by the public institutions because we were supplied.At the same time as the shortage of medicines began, we were fortunate not to suffer from it, although it did bring some headaches at times that were already very stressful. In the meantime, the first positives were appearing in the residential centres, among workers, and the hospital had to be prepared for admissions.
Mondays were not usual Mondays, Sundays were not Sundays. Every day we read and received changing indications from the institutions and new literature, sometimes clarifying, sometimes discordant.
However, the hard times were rewarded because the colleagues and professionals in the house felt protected. Hearing them say so has been rewarding. And yet, it is not over. And we will continue to do our best to keep it up. And to continue learning.
The role of pharmacists, as we can see, has become even more important in these times of pandemic, as they have been a fundamental support in helping society as a whole, through health education and ensuring access to medicines.
Today, 25 September, is World Pharmacist's Day, a day to recognise and congratulate this profession, but on this occasion I would also like to remember in particular the service assistants who have demonstrated professionalism and know-how. Congratulations, and than you.
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